Thursday, September 9, 2010

Young Women Values of LDS church

I am a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As a young woman I was given the opportunity to earn the Young Womanhood Recognition Award. This award takes 6 years to earn. There were 7 values with corresponding colors. You made goals (at least 2 per year for each value) that helped you develop these values. Your last 2 years you did 2 projects each year that took a minimum of 20 hours each. I was so proud to earn this award! I wore it proudly for years. But after having children I was replacing the chain all the time. My children loved to pull on my jewelry and broke the necklace so many times that I quit wearing it.

A couple months ago I was on a social networking site and ladies were talking about why they don't wear their awards. I decided I would design a necklace that a small child couldn't easily break that would display the award and have meaning to those who had worked so hard to earn it. This is what I came up with.
The medallion sits at the bottom and is flanked on either side by 8mm crystals that correspond to the 7 values.
Faith- White
Divine Nature-Blue
Individual Worth- Red
Knowledge- Green
Choice and Accountibility- Orange
Good Works- Yellow
Integrity- Purple

The program has recently added an 8th value, virtue. I chose not to include it on my necklace since that was not part of the program when I earned my award. I am very happy with how it turned out and am now contemplating a charm bracelet that will incorporate the medallions that I earned leading up to this award and wire beads in the value colors. So stay tuned to see my first foray into making my own beads!


  1. Do you happen to know where I can buy replacements of these older style medallions? My sister-in-law's house was robbed and her medallions were stolen... I was hoping to find replacements that I can surprise her with for her birthday that's coming up.

    1. There are definitely websites online that sell the old ones. I got a couple to complete my charm bracelet. Good luck!
