Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Jewelry by Jen now has a facebook page! Yes, we have moved up in the world. On the facebook page you will find pictures of my entire inventory and prices for each item. Anything under $10 ships for free. I am so excited to start this new venture and to share my talent while helping others and taking a bit of the financial burden off of my husband. If you are on facebook recommend us to friends and help me spread the word! I am doing a promotion there, once I have 100 fans I will do a drawing to give away a pair of earrings. I am very excited about this! Thanks for all of your support, I can't find words to express how much it means to me!

Friday, June 4, 2010

New items up for auction!!!!

My sweet 8 week old woke me up nice and early this morning and refused to go back to sleep. Since I was up,
I figured I should go ahead and use the time to help out a great cause!!!
All three necklaces that I donated to the For Ginanne auction sold,
but here is your chance to try for some really fun earrings.
I must admit that I am in love with all three pairs and would gladly keep them for myself.
But in the spirit in which they were made they will be up for auction soon.
If you want them you will have to bid!!!