Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A special post...

All the items featured in this post are available for auction on a special blog. The blog is called For Ginanne. Ginanne is a woman I have become friends with over the last several months that is battling an unknown illness. She is extremely sick and can no longer afford the tests needed to find a diagnosis for what she is fighting. A group of her friends are trying to raise money to help her pay her mounting medical bills. Ginanne is a young wife and mother with a darling daughter. She is a kind hearted and sweet woman who is fighting desperately for her life. Please visit the auction blog and look through the items that have been donated and if something catches your fancy, BID!!! All proceeds are going straight to Ginanne's medical bills. And feel free to pass on the blog to all your friends and family!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Taking photo advice!

I belong to an awesome online social group and asked for advice on my soon-to-be Etsy shop.
A couple great ladies gave me some advice on taking pictures of my jewelry.
Now I am not a photographer and do not pretend to be one, but until I can get one to move in,
I will try to constantly improve.
Here are some pics of some earrings and necklaces.
My new and somewhat improved photographs!
What do you think???

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Going to be hard to sell....

One of the challenges of making jewelry is not wanting to part with it after you see the final product. A couple examples follow...
I love these pairs of earrings, but my husband says they are too big for me. I think he just doesn't want the house to be overrun by my creations!

Getting Started

I have finally decided to start my jewelry blog! I am trying to get an inventory built up so that I can open an Etsy shop. So far today I have made 7, yes 7 pairs of earrings. The biggest challenge is finding time to create with 3 small children running around and crying for my attention. I am so excited to share my passion for creating beautiful and affordable jewelry with others. So join me in my adventure and share your thoughts and requests with me!